Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Saturday, February 28, 2015

2015 Great Backyard Bird Count Pictures

My pictures from the 2015 Great Backyard Bird Count have been uploaded to my Flickr photostream. I have also created an album for these pictures. I will share these pictures with this post as well. Since it's the bird count, I will start with the birds. Some but not all of these pictures have also been submitted to the birdcount website.

Bald EagleCommon GoldeneyeGreat Horned OwlGreat Horned OwlGreat Horned OwlRed-breasted MerganserAnna's HummingbirdAnna's HummingbirdMallardEurasian WigeonAnna's HummingbirdMew GullMew GullGullGolden-crowned SparrowCackling GeeseRing-billed GullBuffleheadGreen-winged TealsLeast SandpiperHooded MerganserGreater White-fronted GeeseGreater White-fronted GeeseScaupSong SparrowGreat Horned OwlPied-billed GrebeBewick's WrenBewick's WrenRed-breasted NuthatchAmerican CootPied-billed GrebePied-billed GrebeBald EaglePeregrine FalconEurasian WigeonAmerican Wigeon
Mourning DoveThe 12th CormorantLone Fir
And here are the other critters that I shot (with my camera) during the four days of counting birds.
North American River OtterNorth American River OtterNorth American River OtterWestern Painted Turtle

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