Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Vacation 2015 - Shawnee Prairie

We took several trips during our vacation to Shawnee Prairie Preserve. The first of these trips was on May 26. We returned on May 30 and May 31 (I didn't get any pictures from the 31st). Before we left Ohio on June 2, we made one final stop.
Northern CardinalCanada GooseDamselflyGray CatbirdWhite-tailed DeerRuby-throated HummingbirdBlue JayDragonflyTurkey VultureBrown-headed CowbirdEastern BluebirdField SparrowIndigo Bunting
More information can be found on my Vacation Log at, and

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