Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Progress Update - May 2014

Recent Pictures

I am pretty much caught up on where I would normally be on a Saturday. I have all pictures through last week posted to my Flickr photostream, but have not yet gone through pictures taken this week. I have been struggling a bit to get everything done for my daily routine lately, and I will likely be slow to catch up on these recent pictures when we get to the new week. If you haven't been paying attention, I have been prioritizing Martin pictures during the questionable relocation attempt. These pictures should not wait until the new week, but I have two days that I still need to look through.

Older Pictures

Despite personal projects taking up a lot of time, I actually did manage to get some work in on older pictures. I am still doing background tasks that will not be seen on my Flickr photostream.


I'm almost as far as I feel I can get with adding pictures to my eBird checklists. Checklists through May 3 will show any bird pictures that were taken on those days. There is one slight problem. As I have already stated, I am prioritizing Purple Martin pictures. I need to get those attached to my newer checklists when I can. I am currently two days behind with those pictures.

Personal Projects

Like I keep saying, I have a couple personal projects going on right now that could slow me down. That will likely change this month. That's because I have a couple other things I have been considering. The first is month lead time preliminary work on a project that will likely be made public. The other project explores the possibility of changing how I deal with the martins. If you are interested in the relocation efforts, you might want to come back to this blog in a few days. If I had to guess, there will likely be a post on May 20, but I won't make any promises. With both of the projects, they should be ongoing but not too time-consuming once they are established.

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