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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Chambers Creek Ospreys 2014

It's that time of year again. I have gone a full weekend without any Osprey sightings. That means I can now post the Osprey year in review.

OspreyApril 10,
I had my earliest Osprey sighting ever with one seen near the railroad bridge on March 28. That same day, the nesting platform was removed by the North dock and a deterrent was installed. Even with that deterrent, Ospreys were fighting over who got to nest in between the wires.
OspreyApril 11,
Here's one of them in flight.
OspreyApril 11,
Here's another shot of an Osprey in flight. This one is carrying nesting material.
OspreyApril 11,
That nesting material was brought to the deterrent.
OspreyApril 12,
The next day, the dock had been redecorated. A tarp was thrown over their nest and a neighboring area along the dock. This is that neighboring area. As you can see, the Ospreys weren't too happy.
Loss of a nestApril 12,
Here's their former nest.
OspreyApril 12,
They would continue using the dock as their dining table.
OspreyApril 18,
Here's another in-flight shot.
OspreyApril 18,
And another.
OspreyApril 18,
I eventually found them working on a new home. Instead of the platform built for them near the wastewater treatment facility, they decided to use the concrete structure that rises over the Central Meadow. This structure is frequently referred to as the Swing Set.
OspreyApril 18,
I watched as more nesting material was brought in.
OspreyApril 20,
Here's more nesting material being carried around.
OspreyApril 25,
And some more.
Osprey NestMay 2,
The nest was really taking shape.
OspreyMay 2,
It was pretty clear that the Ospreys were going to continue to use the dock despite their relocation. I made a safe prediction and said that the young would use the dock if they failed to remove it prior to flight.
OspreyMay 10,
Here's one carrying some fresh fish.
OspreyJuly 6,
I saw one of the young on the railroad bridge just before I went on a vacation. When I returned, I knew that I would be greeted by some new faces. Once again, we had three kids.
OspreyJuly 12,
Like always, I took a lot of shot of the nest.
OspreyJuly 24,
Fishing activity was on the rise as fish were carried to the young on the nest.
OspreysAugust 2,
With the sun coming up from behind the nest, I managed to try a shot that wasn't possible in previous years. I went after a silhouette in front of a warm glow.
OspreysAugust 3,
The young were slower than usual in learning to fly. I expected this since the Ospreys had to rebuild their nest after the county ruined their earlier work.
OspreysAugust 3,
In case you couldn't make out all three kids earlier, this one should be a little more obvious. One of the parents can be seen on the right.
OspreyAugust 3,
More fish.
OspreyAugust 7,
This is one of the tougher shots that I try to pursue, an Osprey fishing. Unfortunately, I missed slightly with the focus and released the shutter before its talons reached in front of the head.
OspreyAugust 9,
While I had seen the young get a little air, it wasn't until August 9 when I finally saw legitimate flight. I'm sure they had to have been flying before then, but I had obstacles preventing me from watching as much as I would have liked to. This was a hot summer.
OspreyAugust 9,
Usually, the young are easier to approach. For some reason, this adult stood out as the most cooperative bird of the day.
OspreyAugust 9,
Here's another fish preparing to be served.
OspreyAugust 10,
This is one of the young.
OspreyAugust 16,
I need at least one shot of a kid standing. Here's one. I have more that I took later.
OspreysAugust 22,
Just because they're flying, that doesn't mean the Ospreys are through with the nest, especially when fish continue to be brought up to them.
OspreyAugust 28,
Here's one of the young on a tree rather than dock. This makes for a picture that looks a little more natural.
OspreySeptember 5,
I told you the young tend to cooperate. I hope these pictures are proving my point.
OspreySeptember 6,
Here's another one of the young in flight.
OspreySeptember 13,
I watched a Great Blue Heron land on the Swing Set. This is how one of the kids reacted.
OspreySeptember 24,
Before I finish up, I almost forgot something. While the new nesting platform was not selected for the new nesting location, it wasn't a total waste. The pole did get some use this year.

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