Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Monday, March 16, 2015

Challenge 2015 - Week 10

"The difference between the right word and the almost right word is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug"
-Mark Twain

This Week

What word can I think of that changes meaning if you add just a little? I struggled to come up with ideas, then something popped into my head. The U.S. Open was about to close part of the park I regularly walk. I tried to take a picture through the rain that included the Central Meadow and the signs informing us about the closure. Unfortunately, I ended up trying to get the shot on our wettest day in years. That's why this is probably the lowest quality image I have used for a challenge so far.


Challenge 10The ALMOST RIGHT WORD, U.S. Open, is quite DIFFERENT from the RIGHT WORD, open. For those of us who spend a lot of time at Chambers Creek Properties, U.S. Open means closed. The Central Meadow is the first victim . As of March 16, this part of the park is closed to the general public. On March 15, I took this picture and said goodbye. Sorry for the image quality. I have a waterproof camera, but there was no way to keep the water off the lens on what turned out to be our wettest day in years.

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