Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Challenge - Week 39

"Autumn arrives with a magnificent display of colorful leaves, cooler temperatures, and migrating birds.  No longer are we trapped indoors with the heat of the summer.  Now is the time to go on an adventure where hope begins.  Hope for good camera weather, hope for the most beautiful colors, hope to find the most incredible scenery, and for the chance to spot something rare as the birds pass through on their winter journey."

This Week

I went a little bird heavy this week with three pictures featuring birds that are seasonal. I'm not sure if any of them are strictly passing through. Let me put that another way. Instead of migrating birds from the quote, we could be looking at birds that migrated (past tense). I should point out that one of my pictures, the Snow/Cackling Geese, had already been uploaded but has not had that "Old Picture" text that I have been adding. This is because it was taken after this week's quote was revealed and was always marked for the challenge. I had to upload early to help confirm the Snow Geese sightings for eBird. Unfortunately, I don't have a shot for today's Cackling Geese.


Challenge 39For many, rainbows provide THE MOST BEAUTIFUL COLORS.
Challenge 39This Great Egret (Ardea alba) WENT ON AN ADVENTURE when it left its SUMMER home. NOW IS THE TIME that it can enjoy its winter home at Nisqually.
Cackling Geese and Snow GeeseAccording to eBird, I SPOTTED SOMETHING RARE. The two Snow Geese were flagged for being rare for this time and place (early maybe). I don't know if they planned on sticking around or if they were merely PASSING THROUGH ON THEIR WINTER JOURNEY. The Cackling Geese didn't cause any problems, but it looks like they are still listed as rare for Pierce County. I'm probably going to get flagged when I make my latest eBird report (9/29/2013)
Challenge 39MIGRATING BIRDS have been arriving. Greater White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons) are among the birds that have discovered Nisqually.
Challenge 39AUTUMN has ARRIVED with a potentially short-lived DISPLAY OF COLORFUL LEAVES (we're expecting wind). Sorry about the low image quality, but it was not GOOD CAMERA WEATHER.

Other Ideas

Since the quote reflects summer ending and cooler temperatures, I was thinking of a seasonal contrast. Specifically, I wanted a snow-covered mountain in the sunlight. I could have thrown in a reference to good camera weather as well. While I could have gone through my old pictures, I figured five is enough for one week. I would rather save mountain pictures in case I need them for future challenges.

Flickr Friday - Once upon a time

I'm sure that I could have figured something out for this one if I tried. Time for the gratuitous cut and paste excuse for not submitting anything. I'm still working through a backlog.

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