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Friday, September 27, 2013

Chambers Creek Ospreys 2013

On today's walk at Chambers Creek Properties, I could not find any of the local Ospreys. What does that mean? It's time for me to share my final selection of Osprey photos for the year. I could always add pictures later, but I don't get many decent shots once sightings become less reliable.

Chambers Creek OspreyApril 12,
My first Osprey sightings this year were the earliest yet on March 30. Unfortunately, that was on the railroad bridge over Chambers Creek. That nest does not provide the best opportunities for sub-amateur photography. It took me until April 12 before I finally got a shot of one on the platform next to the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 21,
An adult on the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 21,
One of the adults is in flight. This one is probably from the nest by the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 21,
Early work on the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 21,
An adult is carrying a fish in flight. This is probably one of the adults from the nest by the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreysApril 26,
An adult landing with nesting material by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 26,
An adult flying nesting material to the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 26,
An adult working on the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 27,
An adult flying nesting material to the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyApril 27,
An adult from the nest by the North Dock in flight
Challenge 18May 2,
An adult working on the nest by the North Dock while its mate watches. This picture was used in a challenge before I started posting to this blog.
Chambers Creek OspreyMay 3,
An adult bringing nesting material to the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreysMay 4,
Two adults are on the nest by the North Dock. One could be viewed as an invader since the nest definitely didn't belong to it (I don't remember which). Another adult was on the North Dock at the time.
Chambers Creek OspreyMay 4,
One of the parents is eating on the North Dock.
Challenge 20 - Life/WaitingMay 16,
This parent appears to be incubating. I lowered my standards a bit on this shot and used it as a challenge before I started posting to this blog.
Chambers Creek OspreyJune 7,
Last year, the Ospreys spent time on an old utility pole next to the railroad tracks. Over the winter, the pole fell. More than likely, that's why this parent is on a nearby shrub instead.
Chambers Creek OspreyJune 7,
This parent just caught a fish (water can be seen coming off of it if you get in close) and is heading back to the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreyJune 7,
A parent is bringing a fish to its mate on the nest by the North Dock.
Osprey Vs. Great Blue HeronJune 7,
This parent from the railroad bridge was uncomfortable with a Great Blue Heron standing on the beach below it.
Chambers Creek OspreyJune 8,
This parent is fishing. I believe it's from the nest by the North Dock. I have wanted to get a fishing shot for years. Now, my goal has shifted to getting a good picture of an Osprey fishing.
Chambers Creek OspreyJune 16,
This is one of the parents. Judging from geotagging, it's from the nest by the North Dock.
Challenge 24June 16,
This was my first sighting of one of the kids this year. While it's hard to see, you can find a little beak if you get a good enough look at the picture. This picture was used in a challenge before I started posting to this blog.
Chambers Creek OspreysJuly 6,
One of the parents on the nest by the North Dock with two of the kids visible
Chambers Creek OspreyJuly 6,
One of the parents on the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyJuly 6,
One of the parents on the nest by the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreysJuly 6,
One of the parents on the nest by the North Dock with one of the kids sticking its head up
Osprey Vs. Bald EagleJuly 7,
One of the disputes between an Osprey and a Bald Eagle
Chambers Creek OspreyJuly 7,
One of the adults from the nest by the North Dock is using the dock during meal time.
Chambers Creek OspreyJuly 7,
One of the parents from the nest by the North Dock brings a fish to the family.
Challenge 29 - SonsJuly 18,
A parent watches over its children on the nest by the North Dock. This picture was used for a challenge.
Chambers Creek OspreysJuly 19,
One of the kids is flapping its wings on the nest by the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreysJuly 19,
One of the parents with one of the kids visible on the nest by the North Dock
Challenge 29July 21,
This was the first flight that I saw from this year's children. As you can tell, this one was from the railroad bridge. I couldn't resist and worked the picture into a challenge.
Chambers Creek OspreysJuly 21,
One of the parents from the nest by the North Dock is bringing a fish to its kids.
Chambers Creek OspreyJuly 21,
This parent was repairing the nest by the North Dock. I used this picture for the Flickr Friday challenge, The Birds.
Chambers Creek OspreyJuly 21,
This parent is bringing nesting material to the nest next to the North Dock.
Challenge 31 - FightJuly 27,
This is one of the disputes between an Osprey and a Bald Eagle. This picture was added to a challenge.
Challenge 30July 28,
One of the parents is landing on the nest next to the North Dock to feed its kids. This picture was used for a photo challenge.
Bald Eagle vs. OspreyJuly 28,
One of the disputes between an Osprey and a Bald Eagle
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 1,
One of the kids from the railroad bridge flaps its wings
Challenge 31August 1,
This picture of one of the kids from the railroad bridge in flight that was used for a challenge picture.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 1,
This kid is from the railroad bridge.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 1,
This kid is from the railroad bridge.
Chambers Creek OspreysAugust 2,
These kids from the railroad bridge were sharing a piling.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 2,
This is one of the parents from the railroad bridge carrying a fish.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 2,
This is one of the parents from the railroad bridge carrying a fish.
Challenge 32 - Darkness/LifeAugust 11,
These Ospreys came from the nest by the North Dock. I kept the picture dark for a photo challenge, so it may be difficult for some to see who's who. The Osprey on top is a parent. The Osprey below is one of the kids.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 11,
This is the same parent from the above picture.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 11,
One of the kids on the nest by the North Dock is yelling.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 11,
One of the kids from the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 11,
One of the kids in flight
Osprey on the Bridge to the BeachAugust 17,
This is the Bridge to the Beach. It provides access to the beach as well as decent views of the nest by the North Dock. During construction, Ospreys occasionally used the end of the bridge. Although it doesn't happen too often since humans started using it, it is still possible to find an Osprey on the bridge.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 17,
One of the kids from the railroad bridge is eating without any parental assistance.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 17,
One of the kids from the railroad bridge is eating without any parental assistance.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 17,
One of the kids from the railroad bridge is landing with a fish.
Chambers Creek OspreyAugust 17,
One of the kids flapping its wings on the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreysAugust 18,
All three kids on the nest by the North Dock
Chambers Creek OspreysAugust 18,
One of the kids is joining a sibling on the nest by the North Dock.
Chambers Creek OspreysAugust 18,
Two adult Ospreys are fighting over a fish.
Chambers Creek OspreysAugust 22,
Two of the kids are fighting over a fish on the nest by the North Dock.
Osprey and Peregrine FalconSeptember 12,
I believe that this is one of the parents on the railroad bridge. It is sharing the bridge with a Peregrine Falcon.

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