Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Challenge 2014 - Week 3

"Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

This Week

The theme for this week's challenge was seeing beauty. I live in a beautiful state, but I couldn't see much due to the fog. I could have gone after Tahoma since I had a momentary clearing, but I would rather use that location with a later challenge when there's a little more in the area. It's kind of weird that I went after a sunrise on a foggy day and couldn't get a decent shot because it was too clear.

The rule for this year's challenge is that I can use pictures from the last 12 months. Since I couldn't get a new shot, I looked through older shots. Unfortunately, last year wasn't a year for scenery. It seems like most of the few scenery shots I took were used for last year's challenges. I found a shot that I thought that I could use. It's clearly in fall, so it's obvious that it's an old picture. It was also in a bit of fog. If only we had thin enough fog this week.

I could have tried to get a handwriting shot for a secondary and newer picture. My handwriting is certainly not worthy of a picture (even though I used my notes in part of a challenge last year). I'm also not going to use someone else's without permission.


Tree***Old Picture***
Challenge 3 - I was going to try to find a BEAUTIFUL scene for this week's family photo challenge, but couldn't see anything due to the fog. This challenge allows me to use pictures from the last year. I didn't take many shots of scenery during that time frame, so I decided to use this one with a more manageable amount of fog.

Flickr Friday - Getting Closer

I had a few ideas for this one. I could have gone for a macro, but that seems too obvious. I was considering going after a shot more typical of my collection. A bird flying towards me would be getting closer. The only bird that was even remotely cooperative was a distant cormorant that I couldn't quite get.

I had a quick idea for a plan B. I found a Gull at the end of the Bridge to the Beach that let me get closer than usual. I could have used this shot, but I have decided that nobody is going to get excited over a gull. I'm passing again, but I wouldn't rule out a picture being added to my collection that could fit the theme.

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