Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Challenge 2014 - Week 10

"God allows us to experience the low points of life in order to teach us lessons that we could learn in no other way."

-C.S. Lewis

This Week

I really couldn't come up with anything this week. I saw "Low points" and started thinking about the tides. We actually had some decent tides this week. I even managed to reach the South Beach. While I couldn't get a worthwhile shot of semi-low tides, I did find a low-tide critter in the form of a starfish. Since it was in the mouth of a gull, that was a different kind of low point. Unlike the quote, I have a feeling that the starfish didn't learn any lessons. At least nothing that will last.


Tides were good enough to experience some low spots for life along the Puget Sound this week. Unfortunately for this starfish, it was a low point of its life when it was discovered by a gull.

Flickr Friday - I'm Only Human

How many themes have I skipped lately because it would be hard to pursue without involving icky humans. This theme won't snap me out of it. I'm skipping again.

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