Now on sale: Walking at Chambers Creek

Walking at Chambers Creek, a self-published book about our local park, is now available at Hardcover and softcover versions can be printed on demand. For more information, visit

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The US Open at Chambers Bay starts today

I have been walking Chambers Creek Properties for years. I have been carrying a camera since 2009. With the US Open coming to the Chambers Bay Golf Course, which is part of the property, I have decided to share a picture each day for the 365 days leading up to the tournament. The US Open starts today, so I wanted to share one last picture, this time of the course.
Today's Picture:
Challenge 13 - White/Snow
Taken on March 30, 2013

I will concede that pictures of the Chambers Bay Golf Course are not among my priorities when walking around the property, but I do have a few.

You can see the course on Fox and Fox Sports 1 from today through the 21st. If there is a playoff, the schedule will extend to the 22nd. If you want more of my course pictures, I have them tagged as Chambers Bay. For all of my pictures in and around the park, I have my pictures tagged as Chambers Creek Properties.

I also wanted to mention that I have been working on a book that I intend to self-publish featuring Chambers Creek Properties. I originally wanted to finish by the US Open, but I have run into numerous problems including conflicting priorities. I'm not going to lie. This book will have a rushed feel to it when I finally finish. I'm also still a long way from completion.

I also have several albums from this park that focus on one segment of my pictures at the park. This includes a Countdown to the Open album that includes all the pictures I posted as part of the countdown.
I have also been adding pictures to an album showing the changes at Chambers Bay as we have approached the US Open.

I will likely add another album after the US Open to show the removal of the USGA city that has formed.

I have been keeping albums for some of the more noteworthy nests on the property. Initially, I only had an album for the Ospreys. I added to this album each year.

This year, I have decided to start making albums on a year-by-year basis.

Last year, I decided to make an album dedicated to our Purple Martins. While I generally haven't been as aggressive documenting their nests, I was concerned over plans made by the county. They wanted to remove the South Dock where the Martins have been known to nest during the summer. While they provided new nesting boxes, there was nothing to discourage them from continuing to nest on the dock. Predictably, they nested on the dock. Fortunately, the county was slow enough in their plans that the dock was removed after the Martins had left. I created a series of blog posts documenting that year for the Martins.

Like the Ospreys, I have decided to start documenting the Martin nests on a yearly basis. This year is especially noteworthy since it is their first that they have been forced to use the nesting boxes. Of course, I will struggle to spend a reasonable amount of time at the beach during this year of closures.

I'm not sure why, but I hadn't been creating albums for our owls in the past. That changed this year when I knew that I had to pursue our Great Horned Owls more aggressively in order to compensate for the reduced accessibility of our Osprey nest.

Hopefully, the above embeds work properly. Flickr has apparently relegated album embed codes to a page that is no longer easily accessible. This could indicate that Flickr isn't interested in maintaining this feature. I also am unable to properly test in the draft phase.

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